"Republicans Recycle an Old Idea: the Foam Plastic Coffee Cup"
"Polystyrene makes comeback in US Congress building after Republicans reverse green initiatives brought in by Democrats."
"Polystyrene makes comeback in US Congress building after Republicans reverse green initiatives brought in by Democrats."
"Hundreds of activists marched to the federal courthouse Monday to support a man who became an environmental folk hero by faking the purchase of $1.7 million of federal oil-and-gas drilling leases in an act of civil disobedience."
"As the House and Senate begin a political dance this week that includes the threat of shutting down the government over steep budget cuts passed by the House, many federal employees already know the steps."
"The short-term spending bill released Friday by House Republicans does not include language to block funding for the Environmental Protection Agency’s climate rules or slash the agency’s budget."
"Dozens of District [of Columbia] residents who installed solar panels on their homes under a government grant program promoting renewable energy have been told they will not be reimbursed thousands of dollars as promised because the funds were diverted to help close a city budget gap."
Pennsylvania is experiencing a gas rush -- to drill and frack Marcellus shale formations -- a rush some say is polluting the state's groundwater and poisoning its citizens. Some critics wonder why Pennsylvania is one of the few states not to tax gas extraction as it faces a budget deficit of about $4 billion.
While economists acknowledge doubts and uncertainties about the models that seem to predict job-losses from air pollution controls, members of Congress cite them without any caveats.
A "group" seeming to be without members or origins has apparently lied about taking money from General Electric to call for less cleanup of that company's PCB pollution of the Housatonic River in Connecticut.
"With no say in their chamber's agenda but an ambitious goal of reclaiming the majority, House Democrats are turning to energy and environmental issues in their latest bid to promote an alternative to the GOP economic agenda ahead of the 2012 election."
"Farm groups and members of Congress are jumping the gun in their efforts to stop U.S. EPA from making its air pollution rules tougher on dusty rural areas, the agency's second-in-command said yesterday."