Environmental Politics

"EPA Formally Denies Alabama’s Plan for Coal Ash Waste"

"The Environmental Protection Agency has formally denied Alabama’s plan to allow Alabama Power and other utilities to continue storing toxic coal ash in unlined pits at sites across the state."

Source: Inside Climate News, 05/24/2024

Senate Dems Open Inquiry Into Trump’s $1 Billion Request of Oil Industry

"Senate Democrats opened an investigation on Thursday into former President Donald J. Trump’s meeting with oil and gas executives last month to determine whether Mr. Trump offered a “policies-for-money transaction” when he asked for $1 billion for his 2024 campaign so he could retake the White House and delete President Biden’s climate regulations."

Source: NYTimes, 05/24/2024

Colo. Gov. Vetoes Bill To End State Incentives For ‘Advanced Recycling’

"Gov. Jared Polis vetoed legislation on Friday that would have banned state incentives for projects to process waste through pyrolysis and gasification — techniques to break down plastics using heat applied in low-oxygen environments."

Source: CPR, 05/23/2024

"Left And Right Unite In Panning House Republicans’ Farm Bill Proposal"

"The proposed version of the $1.5 trillion omnibus unveiled last week by House Agriculture Committee Chair Glenn Thompson (R-Pa.) includes several priorities of big agribusiness — proposals that frustrated both right-aligned groups such as the Heritage Foundation and left-leaning ones including the Environmental Working Group amid progressives’ and populists’ broader dislike of what they see as crony capitalism at the U.S. farmstand."

Source: The Hill, 05/22/2024


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