Fish & Fisheries

March 2, 2023 to March 5, 2023

AAAS Annual Meeting

Reporters with appropriate credentials are eligible for complimentary registration to attend the 2023 Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington, D.C. and online. This year's theme is "Science for Humanity."


"Iowa OK’s Fish Deemed Risky by Feds, Neighboring States"

"The state of Iowa is failing to warn people to cut back on eating locally caught fish contaminated with mercury and other pollutants at levels the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency finds too risky, a study by The Iowa Center for Public Affairs Journalism has found."

Source: Iowa Independent, 12/16/2010

"Japanese Whalers, Sea Shepherd Whale Defenders Head for Whale Wars"

"Japan's whaling fleet has been scaled back and today departed late for the Southern Ocean aiming to catch hundreds of minke whales and 50 fin whales." They will be met and harassed by a three-ship flotilla from the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, which includes a new high-speed trimaran interceptor and video crews from Animal Planet.

Source: ENS, 12/03/2010


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