Fish & Fisheries

"Nations Reach Accord To Protect Marine Life On High Seas"

"For the first time, United Nations members have agreed on a unified treaty to protect biodiversity in the high seas, representing a turning point in a yearslong effort to bestow order on vast stretches of the planet where conservation has previously been hampered by a confusing patchwork of laws."

Source: AP, 03/06/2023

"How Widespread Are These Toxic Chemicals? They’re Everywhere."

"Polar bears in the Arctic and plankton in the Pacific. Cardinals in Atlanta and crocodiles in South Africa." "Researchers created a map showing where PFAS compounds, linked to cancer in humans, have been detected in wildlife. It spans the globe."

Source: NYTimes, 02/23/2023

"Australia To Make Area The Size Of Germany A Marine Park In Southern Ocean"

"The Australian government plans to make an area about the size of Germany in the Southern Ocean a marine zone, strengthening protections around Macquarie Island for millions of penguins and seals."

Source: Guardian, 02/23/2023

Feds Slash Gulf Wind Farm Areas To Make Room For Drilling, Shipping, Fishing

"A new wind energy lease sale plan released Wednesday by the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management slashes the Gulf’s offshore wind energy development areas by two-thirds, potentially reducing the amount of jobs and clean energy the region’s leaders had hoped wind farms would generate in the coming years."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 02/23/2023

"London Ship Insurers Accused Of Enabling Fishing Vessels To ‘Go Dark’"

"When it comes to illegal fishing, London’s ancient business of ship insurance may not get much attention. But according to a new complaint, the UK capital’s insurance industry is partly to blame when fishing vessels “go dark” at sea by turning off their mandatory satellite tracking equipment."

Source: Guardian, 02/15/2023

SEJ Panel Gauges Issues in the Works in the U.S. West

As part of our 2023 Journalists’ Guide to Energy & Environment special report, we’ve got highlights from last week’s reporter panel on the year ahead, led by #SEJ2023 conference co-chair Tom Michael (pictured, left). The focus was largely on the U.S. West, where challenges abound over issues like equitable siting of renewable energy infrastructure, regulating natural gas, managing wildfires and addressing the health consequences of climate-driven heat waves. Read our account, plus check out the full 2023 Guide.

SEJ Publication Types: 
February 22, 2023

WHOI Webinar: Hydrothermal Vents! Exploring Hot Springs on the Deep Seafloor

Join Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution to hear what scientists have learned about hydrothermal vents that form in volcanic regions on the ocean bottom and the surprising organisms that thrive there — and what they can teach us about the origins of life on Earth. 7:30-8:30 p.m. ET.



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