Fish & Fisheries

June 10, 2021

SEJ Webinar: Investigating Extractive Industries

Join SEJ June 10 to hear from leading reporters whose powerful investigations have increased transparency about extractive industries in the Americas. You will see inspiring examples of investigations into logging, mining and fishing and walk away with tips for staying safe while staying true to the story. 1:30-2:30 p.m. ET.


Another Louisiana Bayou Joins List Of Waterways With Mercury-Laden Fish

"The Department of Health announced this week that Little Alabama Bayou, about 20 miles west of Baton Rouge, has fish with unsafe levels of mercury, a heavy metal that can stunt brain development and inflict long-term damage on the kidneys and heart. The bayou runs through the Sherburne Wildlife Management Area, a popular fishing destination."

Source:, 05/26/2021

Pesticides Becoming More Toxic For The World's Most Important Insects

"Over the last 25 years, the toxicity of 381 pesticides in the U.S. more than doubled for pollinators and aquatic invertebrates such as crustaceans, mayflies, and dragonflies, according to a new study."

Source: EHN, 05/19/2021

"Company Defies Michigan Governor’s Order To Close Pipeline"

"An Upper Midwestern oil pipeline continued operating Wednesday, despite a shutdown demand from Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer that the operator warned could lead to fuel disruptions similar to those resulting from a cyberattack on an East Coast system."

Source: AP, 05/13/2021

Native Tribal Nations Push for Changes in Public Lands

As Native tribal nations successfully exert ancestral rights to land stewardship across the West, journalists covering these developments must first grasp the legal principles that underpin Native governmental sovereignty. But also key is to create and sustain relationships with Native community members. Veteran environment and Indigenous affairs reporter Debra Krol lays out the basics for effective reporting from Indian Country.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Feud Breaks Out Among GOP Lawmakers Over Snake River Dams"

"Some Republican members of Congress from the Northwest are accusing a GOP Idaho lawmaker of conducting secret negotiations with the Democratic governor of Oregon over a controversial proposal to breach four dams on the Snake River to save endangered salmon runs."

Source: AP, 05/07/2021

"Biden Admin Unveils Massive Conservation Plan"

"The Biden administration today [Thursday] unveiled the framework for its ambitious conservation plan, emphasizing the role of "voluntary efforts" by states, private landowners and tribal nations over an expansion of the federal estate."

Source: E&E News, 05/07/2021


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