Fish & Fisheries

June 25, 2019 to June 26, 2019

Africa Blue Economy Forum

The second annual forum in Tunis, Tunisia will focus on opportunities and innovations in emerging and frontier sectors of the Blue Economy and how they can help accelerate Africa’s transformation.


"Cooke Aquaculture Pays $332,000 Over Escaped Atlantic Salmon"

"A salmon-farming company with net pens in Rich Passage has agreed to pay $332,000 in fines after one of its floating pens collapsed in 2017, releasing a quarter-million nonnative Atlantic salmon into Puget Sound near Cypress Island, about 10 miles southwest of Bellingham."

Source: Kitsap Sun/AP, 05/01/2019

Track Wetlands Stories with National Inventory Tool

As a battle brews over which U.S. waters are protected, environmental journalists can use an invaluable national database to pinpoint vulnerable wetlands. This week’s TipSheet has more on the National Wetlands Inventory, the backstory on wetlands protection, why it matters, and reporting resources and story ideas.

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Global Warming Is Hitting Ocean Species Hardest, Including Food Fish

"Sea creatures, especially those that live in shallower water near the coasts, are much more vulnerable to global warming than land animals, new research shows. The scientists found that local populations of marine animals are disappearing at double the rate of land-based species."

Source: InsideClimate News, 04/29/2019
September 18, 2019

Underwater Sound Sources – 2019 Webinar Series

Discovery of Sound in the Sea presents a free, four-part webinar series on anthropogenic underwater sound sources. Topics include seismic sound sources, pile-driving, wind turbines, commercial vessel traffic, echosounders and sonar.


Is Your Favorite River Endangered? Check the List.

The latest release of the annual endangered rivers list provides boatloads of environmental reporting angles, including climate change-related threats like flooding and drought. This week’s TipSheet has the backstory and the new top-10 list, plus 10 suggested starting points for stories and a half-dozen key reporting resources.

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Styrofoam Container Bans May Be Trending

The first state ban on styrofoam food containers makes this a good time to see how things stand with styrofoam in your area, as the controversial plastic draws negative attention for overflowing landfills, causing litter and polluting waters. More, plus story ideas and reporting resources, in this week’s TipSheet.

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