Fish & Fisheries

"Global Powers Strike Deal To Research Before Fishing Arctic Seas"

"Delegations from the United States, Russia, and China and other countries struck a deal on Thursday to refrain from commercial fishing in the high Arctic seas, one of world’s fastest-warming places, until scientists can determine what fish are there and whether they can be harvested sustainably."

Source: Reuters, 12/01/2017

Fishery Managers Reject Bid To Manage Menhaden For Ecological Value

"East Coast fishery managers Monday rejected a proposal backed by conservation groups to start setting harvest limits for Atlantic menhaden based on their role as food for other fish and wildlife, not merely their commercial value."

Source: Bay Journal, 11/14/2017

"La Niña Is Here. What Does That Mean For Our Winter?"

"La Niña, the cooler sibling of El Niño, is here. The La Niña climate pattern — a natural cycle marked by cooler-than-average ocean water in the central Pacific Ocean — is one of the main drivers of weather in the U.S. and around the world, especially during the late fall, winter and early spring."

Source: USA TODAY, 11/10/2017


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