"An Earth Day Solution For Urban Food Deserts"
"With their 'guerrilla' tactics, black organic farmers are taking Malcolm X's mandate of 'by any means necessary' and turning it green. It is time, they say, to change an unhealthy paradigm."
"With their 'guerrilla' tactics, black organic farmers are taking Malcolm X's mandate of 'by any means necessary' and turning it green. It is time, they say, to change an unhealthy paradigm."
"Researchers testing bushmeat smuggled into the U.S. have found strains of a virus in the same family as HIV, according to preliminary findings to be released Wednesday."
The case, Monsanto Co. v. Geertson Seed Farms, focuses on genetically engineered alfalfa. One of the concerns is that GE alfalfa can cross-contaminate, rendering organic alfalfa noncompliant with federal standards, and precluding export.
"The National Organic Program's failure to promptly follow through on investigations has allowed some companies to continue falsely advertising products as organic for years and let one company off the hook entirely, according to an audit released yesterday by the inspector general of the U.S. Agriculture Department."
"The company at the heart of a growing recall of processed foods knew that its plant was contaminated with salmonella but continued to make a flavoring and sell it to foodmakers around the country, according to inspectors at the Food and Drug Administration."
"People who take certain brands of fish oil supplements, seeking benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids are also exposing themselves to unnecessarily high levels of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) compounds, newly released test results show."
"Food-borne illnesses, such as E. coli and salmonella, cost the United States $152 billion annually in health care and other losses, according to a report released Wednesday by a food safety group."
"Researchers have found low levels of the toxic chemical C8 in a wide variety of foods, ranging from hamburgers and bacon to tilapia, olive oil and peanut butter, according to a new scientific paper."
The Environment Report's series on food and health focuses on the seemingly addictive qualities of sugar, fat, and salt, and the way some advertisers focus on children.