
October 22, 2013

U.S. Agriculture and the Global Environment

This year's Environmental Law Institute – Miriam Hamilton Keare Policy Forum, in Washington, DC, will focus on the environmental and human effects of modern agriculture through the lens of the Farm Bill. Open to the public; RSVP by Oct 14th.


Plants Shipped Uninspected Meat After USDA Computer Failure

"WASHINGTON — A troubled new computer system used by inspectors at the nation’s 6,500 meatpacking and processing plants shut down for two days this month, putting at risk millions of pounds of beef, poultry, pork and lamb that had left the plants before workers could collect samples to check for E. coli bacteria and other contaminants."

Source: NY Times, 08/19/2013

"Video of 'Lame' Cattle Stirs New Concern Over Growth Drugs"

"At a beef industry conference in Denver last week, the animal health auditor for meat producer JBS USA presented a video showing short clips of cows struggling to walk and displaying other signs of distress. The animals appeared to step gingerly, as if on hot metal, and showed signs of lameness, according to four people who saw the video."

Source: Reuters, 08/13/2013

"Industry Influence Found in Food Additive Reports"

"NEW YORK -- All of the notices U.S. regulators received to vouch for the safety of common food additives between 1997 and 2012 were submitted by people who had a vested interest in the outcome of those assessments, according to a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine on Wednesday."

Source: Reuters, 08/08/2013

Louisiana Seafood: Did BP Spill and River Diversions Strain Oysters?

"It’s difficult to talk about Louisiana seafood these days without the BP oil spill working its way into the conversation. It wasn’t that long ago, after all, that television screens were filled with high-def images of fouled coastal marsh and angry fishermen forlornly staring at their idled fleet."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 07/15/2013


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