
Iowa Outlaws Some Undercover Investigations As Other States Mull Bills

Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad (pictured) signed the so-called "Ag Gag" bill into law March 2, 2012, making it a crime to obtain access to an agricultural facility "under false pretenses" — without defining "false pretenses." Does this apply to hidden cameras? Animal rights activists have often resorted to hidden cameras — and shared with news media photos and videos of shocking cruelty to animals.

SEJ Publication Types: 
Topics on the Beat: 

Biosecurity: "US Disease Agency in Fiscal Peril"

"When US President Barack Obama proposed a US$664-million cut in congressional funding for the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in his 2013 budget request, he tried to ease the pain by replacing much of it with money from other sources. But only days after the 13 February request, a vote on Capitol Hill made clear just how vulnerable those substitutions are, suggesting that the US public-health agency is on increasingly shaky financial ground."

Source: Nature, 03/01/2012
March 7, 2012

Protecting China's Land: Hope for People and Nature

At this two-hour event in Washington, DC, which is co-sponsored by the Woodrow Wilson Center, the Environmental Law Institute, and the China Environment Forum, three speakers will delve into the status of land reforms and land protection in China.

June 20, 2012 to June 22, 2012

Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development

The Conference will focus on two themes: a green economy, in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication; and the institutional framework for sustainable development.


SEJ Urges EPA Press Office To Open up Agency Info to News Media

On January 27, 2012, SEJ wrote to EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, after unreturned phone calls and ignored emails, in an attempt to get the agency to resume quarterly conference calls to discuss access issues and the run-around SEJ members endure when trying to do their jobs.

SEJ Publication Types: 
Topics on the Beat: 

Some Secret CRS Reports You May Want To Read

Here, courtesy of the Federation of American Scientists, are some recent Congressional Research Service backgrounders that may be useful to environment/energy reporters, on chemical facility security, nuclear power plant design and seismic safety considerations, and proposed Keystone XL pipeline legal issues.

SEJ Publication Types: 

E-Mail: White House Ordered Scientists To Lowball BP Spill Rate Estimate

The e-mail pressuring agency scientists was written by USGS Director Marcia McNutt, and was never meant to be made public. Against strong agency resistance, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility forced disclosure of the e-mail with a Freedom-of-Information-Act lawsuit.

SEJ Publication Types: 
January 30, 2012 to February 1, 2012

Energy, Utility and Environment Conference (EUEC) 2012

EUEC 2012 is the 15th annual energy, utility and environment conference, making it the largest and longest running professional networking and educational event of its kind in the United States. Gina McCarthy's keynote address will include the EPA's new Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS).


"White House: NOAA To Be Transferred To Interior"

"The Commerce Department agency that oversees everything from daily weather forecasts to storm warnings, climate monitoring and fisheries management would be transferred to the Interior Department under an ambitious plan of government consolidation announced by the president [Friday].

In an address, President Obama proposed merging six government agencies that primarily oversee business and trade into one, a move designed to 'help businesses grow, save businesses time and save taxpayer dollars.'

Source: Greenwire, 01/17/2012


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