
What Congress Won't Let You Read: Latest CRS Explainers Leaked

The Congressional Research Service produces expert nonpartisan backgrounders on many subjects of interest to environment and energy journalists. But Congress won't release them. Thanks to the Federation of American Scientists' Project on Government Secrecy, you can read them now.

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Secret Sugar Can Claim "Confidentiality" in Food Recall

Consumers learned in late July of a "voluntary" recall of some processed food products due to possible metal fragments in sugar used to make them. The source of the contaminated sugar remains unknown, because federal law protects "trade secrets" — putting protection of companies above protection of the public. Image: ©

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Learning from Flint: Telling the Stories That Need To Be Told

On July 22, 2016, the public joined us for a community conversation about important regional and national environmental and health issues, and a potential conference and reporting project. The event, organized by SEJ with the University of Michigan-Flint, comprised a panel and Q&A with journalists. Find coverage here.


Federal Agencies Pose Information Roadblocks to Health Journalists

Environmental journalists are not alone in their frustrations with the federal officials who are supposed to help journalists get information about what government is doing. Now the Association of Health Care Journalists (AHCJ) has surveyed its members and found the federal government often blocks access to information that health care journalists seek.

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