
Fertilizer Giant Threw Fundraiser for Sponsor of FL ‘Radioactive Roads’ Bill

"Tampa-based Fortune 500 fertilizer company Mosaic last month hosted and paid nearly $25,000 for a fundraising event for the state lawmaker who sponsored the controversial “radioactive roads” bill recently approved by the Florida Legislature."

Source: Tampa Bay Times, 06/26/2023

"3M Reaches $10.3 Billion Settlement in ‘Forever Chemicals’ Suits"

"The chemical and manufacturing giant 3M reached a $10.3 billion settlement on Thursday with U.S. cities and towns over their claims that the company contaminated drinking water with so-called forever chemicals used in everything from firefighting foam to nonstick coatings."

Source: NYTimes, 06/23/2023

"EPA Is Struggling to Keep Track of Water Grants, Watchdog Says"

"The EPA doesn’t seem to have a firm grip on a $162 million pot of money meant for water infrastructure grants, the agency’s inspector general said in a Tuesday memo to department officials.

The findings are the latest in a string of reports from the Environmental Protection Agency’s inspector general raising red flags about how the agency is doling out its grant money.

The EPA’s drinking water division admitted it “encountered challenges” in trying to provide a list of grants issued under the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act, according to the memo."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 06/21/2023

"Offshore Wind Foes In New Jersey Gathering Force Legally And Politically"

"Opponents of offshore wind energy projects in New Jersey are gathering force legally and politically as they seek to snuff out the nascent industry."

Source: AP, 06/20/2023

"Tribes Seek Greater Involvement In Talks On Colorado River Water Crisis"

"As the federal government starts negotiations on long-term plans for the overtapped Colorado River, leaders of tribes are pushing for more involvement in the talks, saying they want to be at the table in high-level discussions among the seven states that rely on the river."

Source: LA Times, 06/20/2023

Power Companies Spend Millions To Fight Maine’s Proposed Non-Profit Utility

"Residents in Maine are about to be bombarded with a multimillion-dollar public relations campaign aimed at saving the state’s two dominant electric utilities from being voted out of existence in November."

Source: Floodlight, 06/20/2023


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