
Biden Vows To Stop Nord Stream 2 Pipeline If Russia Invades Ukraine

"President Biden vowed Monday that a major European energy pipeline would be abandoned if Russia sends forces into Ukraine, intensifying pressure on the Kremlin as Western leaders attempt to stave off a renewed assault on the continent’s eastern edge."

Source: Washington Post, 02/08/2022

"Biden Plan To Spend $725M To Clean Up Abandoned Coal Mines"

"Nearly $725 million in federal funding is available this fiscal year to 22 states and the Navajo Nation for the reclamation of abandoned coal mines and cleanup of acid mine drainage, the U.S. Department of the Interior announced Monday."

Source: AP, 02/08/2022

"Pipeline’s Safeguards Not Working In Louisiana Diesel Spill"

"A corroded pipeline that ruptured and spilled 350,000 gallons (1.6 million liters) of diesel fuel into a New Orleans area wetland did not have a fully functioning leak detection system at the time, according to federal records, which also show the spill was larger than previously reported."

Source: AP, 02/08/2022

"Documents Show Major Gaps In Texas Gas Inspections"

"Oil and gas regulators are assuring Texans the natural gas system will keep functioning this winter, saying they’ve done more than 3,000 inspections to check on it. What they’re not saying is many of those inspections found that gas production and transmission facilities can’t guarantee they’re prepared for another hard freeze."

Source: E&E News, 02/08/2022

Overwhelmed Grid Operator PJM Seeks 2-Year Pause on Solar Projects

"The nation’s largest electric grid operator, PJM Interconnection, is so clogged with requests from energy developers seeking connections to its  regional transmission network in the eastern United States that it is proposing a two-year pause on reviewing more than 1,200 energy projects, most of them solar power."

Source: Inside Climate News, 02/04/2022

EPA Warns USPS To Halt $11.3 Billion Gas Truck Contract, Cites Climate

"The Environmental Protection Agency warns Postmaster General Louis DeJoy to halt his plan to replace the aging delivery fleet with thousands of gas-powered vehicles."

"The Biden administration launched a last-minute push Wednesday to derail the U.S. Postal Service’s plan to spend billions of dollars on a new fleet of gasoline-powered delivery trucks, citing the damage the polluting vehicles could inflict on the climate and Americans’ health.

Source: Washington Post, 02/03/2022

Climate, Nord Stream 2 Pipeline Undergird the Ukraine-Russia Standoff

"Russia’s $11 billion natural gas conduit to Germany is a by-product of Donald Trump’s pro-Putin foreign policy—and a real headache for President Biden."

"As tensions simmer on the Ukraine-Russia border, the Nord Stream 2 pipeline has become an emblem of the energy and climate issues underlying the conflict—even though it has yet to deliver a molecule of natural gas.

Source: Inside Climate News, 02/01/2022


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