Journalism & Media

Environmental Justice Beat Gets Boost From New Database

The Biden administration, which has been making environmental justice a top goal, has released a new screening tool that complements existing environmental equity databases, but with especially strong attention to a range of categories like clean transit, clean water, housing issues, life expectancy and more (although, interestingly, not race). The latest Reporter’s Toolbox has a guide to the new screening tool.

SEJ Publication Types: 

A Report Card on Transparency in the Biden Administration

A coalition of open-government and journalism groups is pressing the Justice Department for a clear statement of federal policy favoring openness. The new WatchDog opinion column explains why such a move is needed, and now, not just to signal a change from the Trump-era approach, but also for smoother functioning of the all-important Freedom of Information Act.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"SOTU: What Biden Said — And Didn’t Say — On Climate"

"President Biden used his first State of the Union address to reset his administration after a year of inflation and crises at home and abroad that has left him with nearly record-low approval ratings. But Biden did little to restart his stalled climate agenda."

Source: E&E News, 03/02/2022
February 12, 2024

DEADLINE: Esserman-Knight Journalism Awards

These annual awards celebrate and encourage outstanding investigative and public service reporting in South Florida and to foster a community that cares deeply about local news. $10,000 first prize, $5,000 second prize, and honorable mentions at $1,000. Nominations due Feb 12, 2024.

Topics on the Beat: 

Canon Thinktank Pressured To Remove ‘Dangerous’ Climate Articles

"A thinktank linked to Japanese technology giant Canon is coming under pressure to remove multiple articles from a research director who describes the climate crisis as “fake news” and compares campaigner Greta Thunberg to a communist."

Source: Guardian, 02/28/2022


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