Journalism & Media

Top Corporations Vow To Fight Climate Change But Their Plans Fall Short

"Some of the world’s best-known corporations have clamored to show how seriously they are taking climate change, with an increasing number pledging to eliminate their carbon footprints in the decades ahead. But many of those firms are not yet doing nearly enough to back up their promises, according to a new analysis by the New Climate Institute, an independent organization based in Germany that promotes measures to slow Earth’s warming."

Source: Washington Post, 02/07/2022
February 14, 2022

DEADLINE: Public Voices Fellowship on the Climate Crisis

This year-long experience, a collaboration between the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication (YPCCC), The OpEd Project and Ann MacDougall, will convene a cohort of 20 U.S. climate change thought leaders, the majority of whom will be women and people of color. Apply by Feb 14, 2022.

February 9, 2022

2022 Journalists’ Guide to Energy & Environment

Join us Feb 9 for the Society of Environmental Journalists' 10th annual look ahead at the year's key energy and environmental issues, moderated by #SEJ2022 co-chair and ProPublica/Texas Tribune Investigative Unit's Perla Trevizo. 1:00-2:30 p.m. ET. Advance registration required.

Topics on the Beat: 

Australian Regulator Finds Emissions Misreporting By Coalminer Peabody

"US coalmining giant Peabody Energy has repeatedly submitted incorrect greenhouse gas emissions reports to the Australian government, prompting questions about the reliability of national climate data based on company assessments."

Source: Guardian, 01/31/2022

Hydrogen Rainbow May Dazzle, But Journalists Should Eye It Warily

The hype on hydrogen — and it’s various “hues” or forms — suggests environmental reporters should clearly understand how this energy source is produced, as well as the politics and industry PR behind its claims to be clean and climate-friendly. Our latest Issue Backgrounder provides the basics of hydrogen science, while cautioning about the industry’s “color game.”

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