Journalism & Media

Reviewing SEJ’s Bylaws and Membership Categories With an Eye Toward the Future

SEJ board president Sadie Babits has been thinking about you, SEJ’s members, who are at the core of this organization. It’s because of you that we are here, and it’s also why we are looking at our membership categories to make sure they best represent the work environmental journalists do today and the evolution of our industry. We’re eager to hear from SEJ members of all categories; here's how.

SEJ Publication Types: 
Topics on the Beat: 

"House Panel Expands Inquiry Into Climate Disinformation by Oil Giants"

"The House Oversight Committee has widened its inquiry into the oil and gas industry’s role in spreading disinformation about the role of fossil fuels in causing global warming, calling on top executives from Exxon Mobil, Chevron, BP and Royal Dutch Shell, as well as the lobby groups American Petroleum Institute and the United States Chamber of Commerce, to testify before Congress next month."

Source: NYTimes, 09/17/2021
June 24, 2024

DEADLINE: Grist's Imagine 2200: Climate Fiction for Future Ancestors

Grist invites writers from all over the globe to imagine a future in which solutions to the climate crisis flourish and help bring about radical improvements to our world. Submit your work to the fourth annual competition by June 24, 2024. Cash prizes and potential OSU/Spring Creek Project writing fellowship/residency.

Topics on the Beat: 

Interactivity Advances Environmental Storytelling, Part III — Exemplary Examples

View our shortlist of outstanding interactive environmental journalism projects, in this three-part EJ Insight. Plus, in Part I, a walking tour of the world of interactive storytelling, and Part II, a Q&A with Hannah Fairfield, climate editor for The New York Times, and one of the leading practitioners of new interactive storytelling techniques.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Interactivity Advances Environmental Storytelling, Part II — Hannah Fairfield Q&A

Hannah Fairfield, climate editor for The New York Times, is one of the leading practitioners of new techniques of interactive storytelling on the environment. SEJournal interviews her for a three-part EJ Insight. Also see Part I, a walking tour of the world of interactive storytelling and Part III, a shortlist of outstanding projects.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Interactivity Advances Environmental Storytelling, Part I

Decades worth of technical advances, used creatively by journalists, have led to a world of “wow” storytelling, including on the environmental news front. In the new EJ Insight column, SEJournal’s own Joe Davis takes you on a walking tour of the world of interactive storytelling. Plus, an interview with Hannah Fairfield of The New York Times, a leader in the burgeoning field, and our own shortlist of outstanding projects to view.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Tracking the Big Climate Bills — An Infrastructure/Reconciliation Breakdown

During the next two weeks, expect a rush of Congressional activity as both chambers attempt to set details that will constitute what some see as possibly the most important climate legislation in years. TipSheet helps you keep track of the action, first setting the stage on two massive measures, and then providing resources to track more than half-a-dozen House committees.

SEJ Publication Types: 


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