Journalism & Media

25-foot Lummi Totem Pole Arrives In D.C. After A Journey Across U.S.

"Douglas James stood Thursday on the Mall in front of the 25-foot totem pole he and a team had spent three months hand-carving and painting from a 400-year-old red cedar tree. James, a member of the Lummi Nation in Washington state, and a group of supporters and volunteers from his tribe hauled the pole on a flatbed truck more than 20,000 miles along the West Coast and across the Midwest before arriving in the other Washington, where the pole will stay as part of a campaign to protect sacred tribal lands."

Source: Washington Post, 07/30/2021

Multiple Failures Found After Massive Sewage Spill Into Santa Monica Bay

"Multiple failures in communication between Los Angeles city and county agencies delayed crucial public warnings and a full emergency response to a massive sewage discharge earlier this month at the Hyperion Water Reclamation Plant, according to a report obtained by The Times that was discussed Tuesday by county officials."

Source: LA Times, 07/29/2021

Journalism Groups Urge White House To Let Government Experts Speak Freely to Journalists and Public

July 26, 2021 — SEJ joined with the Society of Professional Journalists and 23 other journalism groups in sending a letter today to the White House to request a meeting with its Scientific Integrity Task Force. The groups wish to discuss protection against interference in journalists' work, stating facts and making recommendations. Read the letter and press release.


"Fairy Creek, The RCMP And A Win For Press Freedom"

"A coalition of journalism organizations, including The Narwhal, has won a court victory over the RCMP’s actions at the Fairy Creek logging blockades in B.C."

"“This is, without question, a watershed moment in the history of Canadian press freedom advocacy.”

That’s the view of Brent Jolly, president of the Canadian Association of Journalists, after a coalition of journalism organizations, including The Narwhal, won a hard-fought court victory over the RCMP’s actions at the Fairy Creek logging blockades.

Source: The Narwhal, 07/27/2021

Get Organized Now for Next Year’s Tax Returns

If you’re a freelancer with disorganized piles of 2021 receipts already gathering dust in a corner, the latest Freelance Files is for you. Globetrotting science journalist Dan Grossman shares his system (and advice from his accountant) for tracking expenses for travel, legal and professional services, business costs, home office use and more. Your Schedule C will never seem quite so disconcerting again.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Beach Closures Offer Key to Bigger Water Pollution Stories

People all too often swim in waters whose pollution risks are far scarier — and far more real — than shark attacks. Yet little attention is paid to the environmental stories behind the beach closures such pollution can necessitate. TipSheet helps you dip your toe, with the backstory on the most common cause for these health risks, plus reporting resources.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Inside Clean Energy: Ohio Shows Hostility to Clean Energy. Again"

"A new Ohio law solidifies the state’s reputation for stifling clean energy industries. And the law may well be an economic development victory for places that stand to gain projects Ohio chases away."

Source: Inside Climate News, 07/23/2021


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