Journalism & Media

SEJ Partners in Launch of Mississippi River Basin Ag & Water Desk

The Society of Environmental Journalists will partner in the launch of a new Mississippi River Basin Ag & Water Desk in partnership with Report for America and the University of Missouri School of Journalism, and supported with a $1.4 million, three-year grant from the Walton Family Foundation. Find out more about the initiative and how journalists can get involved.


Reporters Reveal True Toll From Texas Winter Storm, Outages

A reporting team at BuzzFeed used a powerful array of data analysis techniques to arrive at a disturbing conclusion about the wintery devastation in Texas — there were far more deaths than acknowledged. But their investigation didn’t stop there. They tracked down families of the deceased to understand the human toll and pressured government over its accountability. How they got the story for “The Graveyard Doesn’t Lie.”

SEJ Publication Types: 

Tree Equity Score Offers Aid in Covering Urban Tree Issues

Urban tree cover is no luxury, but rather an important environmental and public health necessity. And for years the lack of urban trees has harmed socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhoods. To help report on tree cover in U.S. urban areas — and to track it against environmental justice measures — the latest Reporter’s Toolbox spotlights an extensive tree equity scoring database. 

SEJ Publication Types: 
July 24, 2021

DEADLINE: The Media in Color Creators Lab

Media in Color is taking applications until July 24, 2021 for the FREE Creators Lab, a 90-day remote program that will guide journalists and community members in launching and sustaining projects aimed at filling the news and information gap for one of California’s underserved communities of color. Starts Sep 9.

Topics on the Beat: 
July 13, 2021

An Evening With Miles O’Brien

Join the Poynter Institute to learn what’s next in aviation’s race against climate change during an engaging, virtual Q&A with PBS NewsHour’s chief science correspondent, award-winning independent journalist and accomplished pilot Miles O’Brien. 7-8 p.m. ET.


"No, A Tanker Full Of Fossil Fuels Isn’t 'Carbon Neutral.'"

"Shell recently announced a special 'carbon neutral' shipment of fracked gas to Europe. Although there’s nothing unique about the liquified natural gas, Shell and its supplier, Cheniere, are somehow marketing the shipping of fossil fuels as carbon neutral. You can’t make this up."

Source: CleanTechnica, 07/08/2021


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