Journalism & Media

SEJ Joins RCFP Amicus Brief — Carroll County E911 v. Hasnie

SEJ joined with the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and 15 other media organizations in filing an amicus brief in Carroll County E911 v. Hasnie. Carroll County refuses to disclose 911 recordings pertaining to a November 2016 house fire in which four Flora, Indiana children died.

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SEJ Opposes Press Restrictions for Trump Impeachment Trial

January 16, 2020 — The Society of Environmental Journalists joined with the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and 56 other media organizations in a letter opposing restrictions on the press during the upcoming Senate impeachment trial of President Donald J. Trump. SEJ speaks out about right-to-know issues, such as this one, which would hinder journalists’ efforts to share timely and accurate updates and commentary with the American public.

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SEJ Protests SBA "No Journalists" Environmental Roundtable

The Small Business Administration announced an "environmental roundtable" Feb. 28, as being “open to all interested persons, with the exception of the press." The Society of Environmental Journalists, through its Freedom of Information Task Force, has protested this in a Feb 21 letter (full text).

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"Trump Coronavirus Effort Undermined By Mixed Messages And Falsehoods"

"When Anthony Fauci, clad in a white lab coat, invited an “NBC Nightly News” correspondent into his offices this week and described the coronavirus as an “outbreak” that was reaching “likely pandemic proportions,” the immunologist was acting as he long has during public health crises: delivering a fact-based warning to the public."

Source: Washington Post, 03/04/2020


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