Journalism & Media

Standing Together in Spite of Distancing

Journalists cannot help but be part of the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic story, balancing our mandate to be a key information source with our own health and safety, writes Society of Environmental Journalists President Meera Subramanian. But SEJ is right there with them, providing resources and a shared sense of purpose and connection. Find out how SEJ can help, plus SEJ’s plans to weather the related economic crisis, preparations for the annual conference this fall and more. Read the latest SEJ President’s Report.

SEJ Publication Types: 

SEJ Webinar: Covering a Crisis: Climate, Coronavirus and Global (In)Action

How should the media cover a crisis? SEJ's 2020 webinar series launched April 2 with a discussion of the lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic that could inform how journalists, scientists and advocates communicate about and address climate change. Panelists: Denis Hayes, The Earth Day Network and The Bullitt Foundation; Alice Hill, Council on Foreign Relations; and John Mecklin, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, moderated by Guardian US' Emily Holden.


Pacific Northwest Rides Adaptation Wave

The final entry in our multi-week “Covering Your Climate: The Emerald Corridor” special report explores how the Pacific Northwest is adapting to climate change, whether it’s new approaches to working the land, changing critical infrastructure or rethinking our mindset. Read this last tipsheet, plus check out our earlier reports on climate mitigation and on climate impacts, plus our stage-setting backgrounder and a reporter’s resource toolkit.

SEJ Publication Types: 
April 2, 2020

SEJ Webinar: Covering a Crisis: Climate, Coronavirus, and Global (In)Action

How should the media cover a crisis? SEJ's 2020 webinar series launches with a discussion of the lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic that could inform how journalists, scientists and advocates communicate about and address climate change. Join panelists Denis Hayes, The Earth Day Network and The Bullitt Foundation; Alice Hill, Council on Foreign Relations; and John Mecklin, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, moderated by Guardian US' Emily Holden. All journalists welcome for this free event, Noon-1:00 p.m. ET. Sign up to join or receive the recording.


Journalism Associations, Other Groups Offer COVID-19 Reporting Resources

If reporting on the coronavirus crisis is off your usual beat, Reporter's Toolbox has help — a compilation of resource guides for reporters covering this historic public health emergency. Check out useful links from journalism associations and other news media bodies, as well as info about open information under COVID-19, international journalism resources and more.

SEJ Publication Types: 
April 1, 2020

Webinar: Fighting for Open Records During the COVID-19 Crisis

Co-hosted by IRE and the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, this free webinar takes place live at 2:00 p.m. Panelists will discuss specific records to ask for to investigate coronavirus response at all levels of government, and resources to help push back against agencies that say they can't fill requests during this crisis. Bring your questions. Recording will be available afterwards.


‘Nasty-Grams’ Return, Plus Wrangling Over FOIA Rules at EPA, Interior

In the second of a two-part return from hiatus recast as an opinion column from SEJournal Online’s Joseph A. Davis, WatchDog looks at freedom of information developments at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Interior. Plus, check out part one for more on the column relaunch and for background on open-information activities by the Society of Environmental Journalists, as well as a look at the lack of government openness around coronavirus.

SEJ Publication Types: 


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