Journalism & Media

July 20, 2023

IIJ-AAJA's The Freelance Business Workshop

This in-person workshop, presented by the IIJ and the Asian American Journalists Association Freelance Affinity Group in Washington, DC, aims to give freelancers the training and perspective to develop a path to financial and emotional sustainability as an independent journalist. 9:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. ET.

Topics on the Beat: 

‘Absolute Scandal’: UAE State Oil Firm Able To Read Cop28 Climate Summit Emails

"The United Arab Emirates’ state oil company has been able to read emails to and from the Cop28 climate summit office and was consulted on how to respond to a media inquiry, the Guardian can reveal."

Source: Guardian, 06/08/2023

Chemical Industry Used Big Tobacco’s Tactics To Conceal Evidence Of PFAS Risks

"Like the tobacco industry before it, the chemical industry managed to keep PFAS’s health risks hidden from the public for decades. A new peer-reviewed study dissecting PFAS producers’ public relations strategies provides a smoking gun timeline composed of industry studies and comments from DuPont and 3M officials showing they knew the dangers, but publicly insisted the chemicals were safe."

Source: Guardian, 06/08/2023

Oil State Hired Biggest PR Firms To Buff Its Climate Image. It Didn’t Help.

"One of the world’s wealthiest oil states is engaged in a wide-ranging public relations and lobbying campaign to cast itself as an environmental leader before it hosts the United Nations’ next climate talks in November. But the United Arab Emirates’ efforts are colliding with a barrage of criticism from lawmakers and environmentalists in both the U.S. and Europe, who scoff at the idea that the oil-flush nation is committed to helping shift the world off planet-heating fossil fuels.

Source: E&E News, 06/08/2023

Climate Activists Crash Event Featuring Manchin, Chanting ‘Dirty Deal’

"Climate activists interrupted an event with Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) on Tuesday, shouting “dirty deal,” as he began discussing the Mountain Valley pipeline deal he secured in the recent debt-ceiling agreement."

Source: The Hill, 06/07/2023
June 14, 2023

Webinar: Generative AI’s Impact on Law

This National Press Foundation webinar is for journalists and lawyers to ask the experts about the risks and opportunities of generative artificial intelligence. 11 a.m.-12 p.m. ET


Whether Wetlands or Blacktop, Land Cover Database Provides Foundation for Environmental Reporting

For journalists looking to understand the condition of U.S. rangeland, forests or urban pavement, a high-quality government dataset collected via Landsat can help. And for data geeks who want to go a step further and illuminate human impacts on the environment, mapping overlays on the Landsat data can do the trick. Find out more in the new Reporter’s Toolbox.

SEJ Publication Types: 

From TV Meteorologists, More Straight Talk About Climate Change

Reporters covering floods, fires and other weather-driven disasters sometimes hesitate to link these extreme events to climate change. But TV meteorologists increasingly see an opportunity — and a responsibility — to help local audiences better understand the connections. Their unique relationship with viewers makes it easier to get past partisan divisions, while innovative tools are providing new ways to communicate information.

SEJ Publication Types: 


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