Natural Resources

"Appalachia’s Recreation Industry Faces Climate Change Challenges"

"The impacts of climate change are steadily and exponentially being felt here in Appalachia just as they have across the globe, and environmental activists, scientists and outdoor enthusiasts alike find themselves in a race to counter the climate curve in the region."

Source: 100 Days in Appalachia, 04/29/2024

Spurt in Hydro Relicensing To Leave U.S. Awash in Environmental Stories

Hundreds of hydropower dams in the United States will see their licenses expiring in the next decade, generating years-long federal relicensing processes. That prospect calls for close local and regional coverage of the complicated balance between renewable energy needs with negative environmental impacts. The latest TipSheet explains the licensing process and the dam backstory, along with a dozen story ideas and reporting resources.

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Alabama Coal Mine Keeps Digging Under Community After Fines and Explosion

"Following the death of a grandfather, Crimson Oak Grove Resources has left a community afraid for their homes and lives. An expert warns one resident may need to evacuate her home while she still can."

Source: Inside Climate News, 04/26/2024


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