Natural Resources

Alaska Seeks Data About Possible Windblown Coal Dust from Mine Project

"The leaseholder for a controversial coal mine proposed in the Matanuska Valley has withdrawn its application for a state air quality permit for a second time, according to the Department of Environmental Conservation and the company, Usibelli Coal Mine, Inc."

Source: Anchorage Daily News, 10/24/2011

"Vote Targeting Pebble Mine in Alaska Is Over; the Battle Isn't"

"A few hundred voters in the remote hills of western Alaska cast ballots this week -- in one of the most closely watched elections in the country -- to halt big mining projects that might poison fishing streams. That initiative was targeted squarely at the giant Pebble Mine.

Source: LA Times, 10/21/2011

"Interior Secretary Ken Salazar To Highlight Tamiami Trail Project"

"MIAMI -- Interior Secretary Ken Salazar is in South Florida to learn about the progress of the Tamiami Trail Bridge Project.

A press release says Salazar and U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Director Dan Ashe on Thursday will be highlighting the Department's work to help preserve and protect America's great outdoors."

The South Florida Sun-Sentinel had the story October 20, 2011.

Source: S. Fla. Sun-Sentinel, 10/20/2011

Rare Indian Artifacts Were at Risk in Deteriorating NPS Buildings

With a $10 billion maintenance backlog, the National Park Service is struggling to make do as aging buildings deteriorate. This week it shuttered the Grand Teton's Indian Arts Museum, because uncontrolled humidity and other conditions there were ruining a world-class collection of ancient Native American artifacts.

Source: Greenwire, 10/14/2011

"Conservation Funding Sparks Political Battle"

"MONUMENT, Colo. -- The 50,000 drivers who cruise daily along Interstate 25 between Denver and Colorado Springs drive through ranch and farm land marked by dramatic buttes and the presence of wild animals, a vista that might have been very different but for a little-known federal program. "The Land and Water Conservation Fund, which Congress created in 1965, helped pay for this open space, along with large swaths of land in other areas across the country. But there is a fight looming in Washington as Congress plans to drastically cut the program’s budget, and President Obama, who had accepted cuts in the past, appears ready to oppose them."

Source: Wash Post, 10/10/2011
November 7, 2011

E3 2011: The Latest in Renewable Energy Innovation, at the U of Minnesota's Institute on the Environment

E3 (Energy, Economy and Environment) is the Upper Midwest's premier renewable energy conference. This year’s E3 conference showcases current technologies, environmental benefits and market opportunities in renewable energy, specifically focusing on renewable energy success stories from corporations and individuals around the world, as well as within the University of Minnesota.


"U.S. Supreme Court Ends Bush-Era Grazing Regulations"

"WASHINGTON, DC -- The U.S. Supreme Court [Monday] denied consideration of an appeal by the Public Lands Council of previous federal court decisions overturning Bureau of land Management grazing regulations promulgated during the George W. Bush administration. The decision affects over 160 million acres of public land in 11 western states."

Source: ENS, 10/05/2011


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