Laws & Regulations

Alaska Tribal Council Greenlit Gold Mine. Some Tribal Members Aren’t Happy

"People in Alaska’s rugged Interior have long known the hills surrounding the Native Village of Tetlin hid gold. As tribal member Kevin Gunter grew up, his elders told him such riches should be left alone. Nothing good would come of digging them up, they warned. Now, Gunter fears what might happen as an open-pit mine comes to his tribe’s land."

Source: Grist, 12/05/2023

"More Than 100 Countries at COP28 Call For Fossil Fuel Phaseout"

"Under a blanket of petro-smog, more than half the 198 countries  in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change called for a fossil fuel phaseout on the second day of COP28, marking a turning point after 27 years of climate negotiations."

Source: Inside Climate News, 12/05/2023

"Ohio Fails to Pass Restrictions on College Teaching About Climate Policies"

"Ohio lawmakers have failed, at least for now, to pass a bill that would exert control over discussion of “controversial beliefs” about climate policies in college classrooms."

Source: Inside Climate News, 12/04/2023

"This Documentary Shows The Huge Stakes Of Fighting For A Free Press"

"In the fall of 2019, journalists at Mvskoke Media, the news outlet covering the Muscogee (Creek) Nation in Oklahoma, were documenting a dramatic election season while also facing a tough fight to safeguard their right to report the story."

Source: HuffPost, 12/04/2023

"EPA Lead Pipe Rule Good for Justice, But May Come at High Cost"

"The EPA’s goal to replace all lead drinking water pipes in the US within 10 years is ambitious and furthers environmental justice, water attorneys and environmental groups say, but some former agency officials worry the goal may be too costly to meet."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 12/04/2023

"Biden Delivers COP28 Crackdown on Methane Leaks From Oil Wells"

"The Biden administration moved Saturday to crack down on methane emissions from the oil and gas sector, by finalizing newly strengthened mandates forcing companies to replace leaky equipment and regularly search for escaping gas."

Source: Bloomberg, 12/04/2023

"West Virginians Could Get Stuck Cleaning Up the Coal Industry’s Messes"

"West Virginia’s fund to clean up abandoned coal mines is in such dire shape that it threatens to stick taxpayers with hundreds of millions — perhaps even billions — of dollars in cleanup costs. And yet, little is being done to turn things around."

Source: Mountain State Spotlight, 12/04/2023


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