Laws & Regulations

EPA Mulls Approving Fruit Pesticide Despite Risks To Children, Records Show

"The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is considering approving a pesticide for use on Florida oranges and grapefruits despite the fact that agency scientists have repeatedly found the chemical does not meet safety standards designed to protect children’s health, internal agency records show."

Source: Guardian, 11/22/2023

Union Pacific Fired Him Rather Than Heed His Warnings of Rail Dangers

"Time and again, Johnny Taylor’s duty to keep the rails safe from disaster conflicted with his employer’s desire to keep its trains running as fast and as frequently as possible, putting his career and family in peril."

Source: ProPublica, 11/21/2023

New Study Says Global Toll Of Lead Exposure Is Even Worse Than We Thought

"According to a new study in the journal Lancet Planetary Health, an estimated 5.455 million adults worldwide died in 2019 from cardiovascular disease (CVD) attributable to lead exposure — a toll more than six times higher than a previous estimate."

Source: NPR, 11/21/2023

Gulf Oil Leak Could Have Spilled More Than 1 Million Gallons: Coast Guard

"Authorities were using skimmers and remote vehicles to respond to an oil leak off the coast of Plaquemines Parish on Monday, with more than a million gallons having potentially been spilled, the Coast Guard said."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 11/21/2023

"Quinault Nation Calls Off Fall Coastal Coho Fishery For Conservation"

"Quinault Nation shuttered its fall coho fishery a month early this year after harvest numbers came in at just a fraction of what was expected. Now, fishery leaders have called on the state to do the same."

Source: Seattle Times, 11/20/2023

"Texas Board Rejects Many Science Textbooks Over Climate Change Messaging"

"A Republican-controlled Texas State Board of Education on Friday rejected seven of 12 proposed science textbooks for eighth graders that for the first time will require them to include information on climate change."

Source: Texas Tribune, 11/20/2023

Negotiations For Treaty To End Plastic Pollution Close Amid Disagreements

"The latest round of negotiations to craft a treaty to end global plastic pollution closed late on Sunday after strained talks in Nairobi, Kenya, where delegates failed to reach a consensus on how to advance a draft of the treaty after a week of negotiations."

Source: AP, 11/20/2023

Reemerging Wetlands Controversy Brings Local Angles

Wetlands provide a wide array of ecological and societal benefits. But in the United States, they also represent a morass of conflicting views going back decades on how best to regulate them. Now a recent Supreme Court ruling and proposed federal rules are the source of new discord. The latest TipSheet explores how best to cover the wetlands controversy for your community.

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