Laws & Regulations

"E.P.A. Faces Bigger Tasks, Smaller Budgets and Louder Critics"

"Under fierce attack from the political right, and with even some Democrats questioning its competence, the Environmental Protection Agency is facing a tumultuous election year — with rising regulatory responsibilities, falling budgets and its very existence at stake."

Source: NY Times, 03/21/2016

NEB Emails Reveal Pattern Of Off-Record Meetings With Pipeline Industry

"It was the Friday before Christmas and Joe Paviglianiti, a senior engineer at Canada’s federal pipeline watchdog, the National Energy Board sent an email to TransCanada Corp. “Sorry in advance for bothering you during your holidays,” he wrote on Dec. 19, 2014."

Source: National Observer, 03/18/2016

FLINT: "Panel Issues Emails Showing EPA Reluctance To Confront State"

"U.S. EPA's Region 5 office tiptoed around Michigan's environmental agency to avoid conflict on the lead contamination issue in Flint, Mich., even questioning whether to issue a violation for failing to prevent corrosion to the city's lead pipes, emails show."

Source: E&E Daily, 03/18/2016

Lead Levels High In Almost 2,000 Water Systems Across All 50 States

"While a harsh national spotlight focuses on the drinking water crisis in Flint, Mich., a USA TODAY NETWORK investigation has identified almost 2,000 additional water systems spanning all 50 states where testing has shown excessive levels of lead contamination over the past four years."

Source: USA TODAY, 03/18/2016

"In-Person, Top-Level Finger-Pointing Over Flint Water Crisis"

"The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality repeatedly gave assurances that water from the Flint River was safe, when in reality it had dangerous levels of lead, Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder says." CBS News/AP had the story March 17, 2016. The House Oversight Committee will hear testimony from Mich. Gov Rick Snyder and EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy Thursday, March 17, at 9 am ET. The hearing will be cablecast/livestreamed via CSPAN3.

Source: CBS News/AP, 03/17/2016


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