Laws & Regulations

"Register Investigation: Iowa's Asbestos Inspectors Overloaded"

"A contractor’s complaint has prompted closer scrutiny of possible asbestos exposure involving workers at a downtown Des Moines renovation project, but an inspector doesn’t even visit hundreds of sites across Iowa each year where workers could face risks from the cancer-causing material."

Source: Des Moines Register, 03/03/2014

"North Carolina Agency Might Get Tough on Utility After Coal Ash Spill"

"DURHAM, N.C. — North Carolina regulators who have been accused of lax oversight abruptly announced Tuesday that they may force Duke Energy to move its riverfront ash basin to a lined landfill away from waterways after one of its plants leaked tons of toxic coal ash into a major river."

Source: LA Times, 02/26/2014

"GAO Set To Probe State's Environmental Review -- Lawmaker"

"Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-Ariz.) requested an independent audit today of the State Department's environmental review system for projects such as Keystone XL, his latest step to protest the Obama administration's handling of the controversial oil sands crude pipeline."

Source: Greenwire, 02/26/2014


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