Laws & Regulations

Shell Accused Of Misleading Shareholders on Risks Of Arctic Drilling

"If Royal Dutch Shell’s Arctic drilling program leads to a major spill, it could cost the oil company — and therefore its shareholders — an entire year’s worth of profit, according to a Tuesday legal filing by the conservation group Oceana and a University of Chicago law clinic."

Source: Climate Progress, 04/30/2015

CA Cement Quarry To Pay $7.5M To Settle Water Pollution Violations

"CUPERTINO -- The Lehigh Hanson cement plant, a longtime producer of Silicon Valley building materials but also a significant polluter, will pay $7.5 million as part of an agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to settle charges it dumped millions of gallons of toxic wastewater into a nearby creek."

Source: San Jose Mercury News, 04/29/2015


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