Laws & Regulations

Calif. Highway Patrol Sort of Backs Down — Questions Remain

SEJ complained in an August 7 letter to CHP that the arrest of Willits News photog Steven Eberhard for attempting to document a protest was a violation of constitutionally guaranteed freedom of the press. CHP responded August 28, noting that its policies for news media access to the Willits highway bypass construction site had changed. However, several assertions in the letter are not true, according to Eberhard and a video of the incident. © Photo by Steve Eberhard: CHP arrests demonstrators Sept. 10, 2013, at the Willits, Calif., bypass construction site.

SEJ Publication Types: 

The Endangered Species Act at 40: Forty Things Journalists Should Know

John Platt, author of Scientific American's Extinction Countdown blog, offers up a great list of things that may help environmental journalists illuminate some of the issues in question as the Act prepares for its second 40 years. Photo: A California condor outfitted with tracking tags, courtesy USFWS.

SEJ Publication Types: 
Topics on the Beat: 

Environmental Whistleblowers May Be Losing Their Rights

Can a federal employee who discloses lax safety inspections of gas pipelines or terminals be fired? That might be the case under a new federal appeals court decision that limits the whistleblower protections for federal employees who disclose "sensitive," but noncritical national security information.

SEJ Publication Types: 
Topics on the Beat: 
October 22, 2013

ELI Annual Award Dinner

ELI (the Environmental Law Institute) will present the 2013 Environmental Achievement Award to former US Secretary of State George P. Shultz and "green" philanthropist Thomas F. Steyer to recognize their outstanding leadership to reduce climate change and advance clean energy. The Award will be presented to Shultz and Steyer at ELI’s annual dinner on Tuesday evening, October 22 at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D.C.

October 22, 2013

U.S. Agriculture and the Global Environment

This year's Environmental Law Institute – Miriam Hamilton Keare Policy Forum, in Washington, DC, will focus on the environmental and human effects of modern agriculture through the lens of the Farm Bill. Open to the public; RSVP by Oct 14th.



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