Laws & Regulations

Proposal Could Restrict Public Access to NOAA Fisheries Data

NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service is considering a rule which could restrict public access to important data on commercial fishing — and overfishing. This data includes federally required public records paid for by taxpayers. The watchdog group OMB Watch criticized the proposed rule's handling of confidential information

SEJ Publication Types: 

"World's Biggest Geoengineering Experiment 'Violates' UN Rules"

"A controversial American businessman dumped around 100 tonnes of iron sulphate into the Pacific Ocean as part of a geoengineering scheme off the west coast of Canada in July, a Guardian investigation can reveal. Lawyers, environmentalists and civil society groups are calling it a 'blatant violation' of two international moratoria and the news is likely to spark outrage at a United Nations environmental summit taking place in India this week."

Source: Guardian, 10/16/2012

Regulatorss Lacked Authority Over Pharmacy in Meningitis Outbreak

"Federal and Massachusetts officials said Thursday that they lacked clear authority to take action earlier against a now-shuttered specialty pharmacy that set off safety alarms at least six years ago and is now at the center of a burgeoning meningitis outbreak."

Source: Wash Post, 10/12/2012

"Redford Rejects Calls for Public Inquiry Into Tainted Beef"

"CALGARY — [Alberta] Premier Alison Redford shot down calls from opposition parties and the union representing workers at the XL Foods plant for a public inquiry to get to the bottom of the huge beef recall stemming from E. coli tainted product at the Brooks facility."

Source: Calgary Herald, 10/12/2012

Romney, Wooing Farmers, Attacks Phantom Obama Carbon Dioxide Rules

"Mitt Romney's campaign opened an attack on the Obama administration's climate change policies yesterday by warning farmers that greenhouse gas regulations could hike fuel prices. He also suggested that President Obama might pursue a carbon-pinching cap-and-trade program if he wins the election."

Source: ClimateWire, 10/11/2012

"Raese Built Golf Course Without Required Permits, Regulators Say"

"MORGANTOWN, W.Va. -- Republican Senate candidate John Raese filled in wetlands and damaged more than 2 miles of streams when he rerouted them to create waterfalls on a private, 18-hole West Virginia golf course that federal regulators say he built without the required permits."

Source: AP, 10/10/2012


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