People & Population

Fighting Climate Change a Lonely Battle in Oil Country, Esp. for a Kid

"RAYNE, Louisiana — As far back as Jayden Foytlin can remember, her cousin Madison came over to celebrate her birthday. The girls had been best friends since they were toddlers and spent nearly every weekend together, playing video games and basketball in their driveways."

Source: InsideClimate News, 06/14/2017

"1836 Treaty Puts Michigan Tribes At Center Of Nestle Water Bid"

"TRAVERSE CITY, MI -- Native American tribes with treaty rights to natural resources north of Grand Rapids are quietly coordinating with Michigan officials who are deciding whether to let Nestle Waters North America extract more spring water from trout stream headwaters where the tribes have inland fishing rights."

Source: Grand Rapids Press, 06/07/2017

Lead in Drinking Water Remains Widespread Problem

More stories about lead contamination of drinking water are unfolding around the country, even as the Flint disaster lingers. A new Issue Backgrounder details how lead gets into drinking water, how it leads to health problems among the most prevalent in the United States, and what solutions might address the crisis.

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