People & Population

"Report Underscores Vulnerabilities of U.S. Coastlines"

"No part of the U.S. will escape the harsh consequences of climate change, which has already begun to cause trouble from Alaska to Florida, and from Maine to Hawaii, and which will worsen as the century goes on. But according to a report released January 28, the nation’s coastlines -- Atlantic, Gulf, Pacific and Great Lakes -- are likely to get the worst of it."

Source: Climate Central, 01/30/2013
January 28, 2013

Fishing for Families: Reporting on Population, Environment, and Food Security in the Philippines

In the PBS NewsHour/Marketplace co-production “Food for Nine Billion: Turning the Population Tide in the Philippines,” reporter Sam Eaton of Homeland Productions visits the Philippines’ Danajon double barrier reef to document efforts to increase food security by protecting marine biodiversity and providing family planning to the communities that depend on fish for their survival. Eco-Business Assistant Editor Imelda Abano, president of the Philippine Network of Environmental Journalists and board member of the Society of Environmental Journalists, will discuss the challenges of reporting on the interconnections between environment, health, and food security in her country. Live in Washington, DC, or via webcast.


730-mile Oil Pipeline Threatens Land of Canada's First Nations

"Of all the Idle No More protests that sprung up on Wednesday's national day of action across Canada, what may have worried the conservative government of Stephen Harper the most was a gathering of aboriginal young men banging tribal drums outside a hotel in downtown Vancouver."

Source: Independent, 01/21/2013

"Kettleman City Reaps Toxic Harvest of Calif. Castoffs"

KETTLEMAN CITY -- Maria Saucedo cried as she spoke of the two babies she has lost in Kettleman City -- one to birth defects and the other in a miscarriage. There's no proof, but she blames the toxic landscape surrounding her town. She and others who have suffered in Kettleman City say they live in a nasty soup of pollution. They make a compelling case."

Source: Fresno Bee, 01/14/2013

Canada's Indigenous People Rally For Rights Around 'Idle No More'

"A grassroots indigenous movement is shaking up politics in Canada. It's called Idle No More. Like Occupy Wall Street and the Arab Spring, it spread quickly through social media and it's now got the attention of Canada's leaders, thanks to the efforts of one chief from a tiny tribe whose hunger strike has galvanized the movement." ...

Source: NPR, 01/11/2013

White House Stalls Critical EPA Report on Chemical Dangers To Children

"A landmark Environmental Protection Agency report concluding that children exposed to toxic substances can develop learning disabilities, asthma and other health problems has been sidetracked indefinitely amid fierce opposition from the chemical industry."


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