
Duwamish Toxics Cleanup Could Leave Other Health Problems Unsolved

"If the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency isn’t going to ensure Seattle’s Duwamish River is clean enough for needy residents to fish there for their dinner, the agency needs to ensure those people get fish some other way – even if that means supplying seafood through food banks. Or building clean urban fishing ponds. Or giving people shares in a seafood cooperative akin to a community-supported-agriculture operation."

Source: Investigate West, 05/16/2013

"Study: N.C. Too Slow To Warn About Yadkin Fish Contamination"

"RALEIGH — Fish in one of North Carolina’s largest watersheds are more polluted by an industrial contaminant than previously reported, and state health officials have failed to expand warnings against eating PCB-contaminated fish, according to a new study."

Source: AP, 05/14/2013

30 Toxic Chemicals Found at Arkansas Tar Sands Oil Spill Site

"An independent study co-published by the Faulkner County Citizens Advisory Group and Global Community Monitor reveals that, in the aftermath of ExxonMobil's Pegasus tar sands pipeline spill of over 500,000 gallons of diluted bitumen (dilbit) into Mayflower, AR, air quality in the area surrounding the spill has been affected by high levels of cancer-causing chemicals."

Source: DeSmogBlog, 05/02/2013

Another Lawsuit Filed over Arsenic from South Carolina Coal Ash

"CONWAY, SC -- Pollution from a pair of coal ash ponds at Santee Cooper’s retired Grainger electric generating plant here has sparked another lawsuit – this one filed by The Southern Environmental Law Center, which alleges the state-owned utility is violating the federal Clean Water Act."

Source: Myrtle Beach Sun News, 04/30/2013


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