
"Spent Ammo's Harm To Environment Is Debated"

"Lead in paint, gasoline and drinking water is prohibited as dangerous for health and the environment. But the material is scattered in abundance outdoors when it comes to hunting grounds and firing ranges. Tons of lead from ammunition can accumulate on the ground over years and decades. No federal law addresses lead containment at outdoor shooting ranges operating around the country."

Source: Nashville Tennessean, 02/12/2010

"Nutrient Levels High in Bodies of Water At U. of Florida"

Lake Alice "is one of many water bodies on campus that would be considered impaired under new limits on nutrients proposed earlier this month by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorous can cause algal blooms that can be deadly for fish and hazardous to humans."

Source: Gainesville Sun, 02/01/2010


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