
Clean Water Act: WOTUS Review Stumps Advisers: 'The Science Isn't Right'

"Members of EPA's Science Advisory Board grappled with whether and how to weigh in on the Trump administration's rollback of clean water standards given the administration's insistence that the proposal is a question of policy, not science."

Source: Greenwire, 06/07/2019

"AP Fact Check: Trump Didn’t Set Records On Clean Air in US"

"President Donald Trump is getting his facts wrong when it comes to clean air in the U.S. In remarks Wednesday with Ireland’s Prime Minister Leo Varadkar, he insisted the U.S. has the “cleanest air in the world” and is “setting records environmentally.” That’s not the case. The Obama administration set the records for clean air in 2016, and air quality under Trump has worsened since then."

Source: AP, 06/06/2019

"EPA Science Advisers Say Wheeler Is Limiting Their Role"

"Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Andrew Wheeler vowed on Wednesday to make greater use of the agency's official board of science advisers. But soon after he spoke, some of those advisers and other outside experts protested that the agency was instead limiting their role."

Source: InsideClimate News, 06/06/2019
August 21, 2019 to August 22, 2019

World Congress on Earth and Environmental Science

The 7th World Congress on Earth and Environmental Science in Singapore will highlight the most recent developments and technologies on earthquakes and tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, global warming, marine sciences, pollution, oceanography, meteorology, hydrology, climate and climatic changes, and more.


"Trump Administration Hardens Its Attack on Climate Science"

"President Trump has rolled back environmental regulations, pulled the United States out of the Paris climate accord, brushed aside dire predictions about the effects of climate change, and turned the term “global warming” into a punch line rather than a prognosis. Now, after two years spent unraveling the policies of his predecessors, Mr. Trump and his political appointees are launching a new assault."

Source: NY Times, 05/28/2019


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