
"Scientists Flee USDA As Research Agencies Move To Kansas City Area"

"A Trump administration decision to move researchers from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to the Kansas City area is threatening to spark the flight of more than half of the staff selected to move, gutting the agency of its top scientific voices."

Source: The Hill, 07/16/2019

"EPA Broke Rules in Shake-Up of Science Panels, Federal Watchdog Says"

"The Trump administration failed to follow ethics rules last year when it dismissed academic members of Environmental Protection Agency advisory boards and replaced them with appointees connected to industry, a federal watchdog agency concluded Monday."

Source: NY Times, 07/16/2019

"Climate Fwd: Following the Money That Undermines Climate Science"

"It’s difficult to figure out who’s funding climate denial, because many of the think tanks that continue to question established climate science are nonprofit groups that aren’t required to disclose their donors."

Source: NY Times, 07/11/2019

Greenhouse Gas Inventory Key Source for Local Climate Change Stories

A long-standing EPA inventory of greenhouse gasses has been gussied up of late, making it easier than ever to comb the data for global warming stories in your community. The latest Reporter’s Toolbox continues its new data journalism focus with a look at this resource, and how to use the info in it smartly. 

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Scientists Collect Healthy Corals For Gene Bank As Disease Ruins Reefs

"A rescue mission to save Florida corals from a mysterious disease that’s devastating local reefs arrived in Miami on Friday with 400 specimens that may be used as a gene bank to potentially breed new colonies and repopulate reefs in the future."

Source: Florida Keys News, 07/08/2019

EPA Move to Phase Out Animal Tests Could Thwart Toxics Regulation

"The Environmental Protection Agency is moving forward with a plan to sharply reduce and ultimately phase out experimental testing on lab animals. In an undated internal memo sent in late June to assistant administrators, EPA chief Andrew Wheeler explained that the agency will cut its funding for experiments on mammals in half by 2025."

Source: The Intercept, 07/05/2019


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