
"EPA: The Skeptics Who Could Snag Science Adviser Slots"

"Climate skeptics may soon join a key science advisory panel at U.S. EPA. A number of people who reject the findings of mainstream climate science are being considered by the Trump administration for spots on EPA's Science Advisory Board, a voluntary but influential panel that reviews science used in environmental regulations."

Source: ClimateWire, 09/15/2017

"It Is a Time to Talk About Climate Change"

"In an interview with CNN on Thursday, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt said that now is not the time to talk about climate change. ... In the interest of minimizing harm to people, it’s always an important time to talk about climate change. We don’t have to choose between helping current victims and working to prevent the next tragedy."

Source: Atlantic, 09/12/2017

EPA Toxics Nominee Provided Koch-Funded Study In Chicago Petcoke Battle

"Advocates concerned about pollution from petroleum coke are worried an Ohio professor’s study downplaying the risks will gain new prominence now that he has been named to a key EPA post."

Source: Midwest Energy News, 09/12/2017

"Congress Rejects Trump Proposals to Cut Health Research Funds"

"Back in March, when President Trump released the first draft of his budget proposal for the coming fiscal year, he asked lawmakers for deep cuts to one of their favorite institutions, the National Institutes of Health — part of a broad reordering of priorities, away from science and social spending, toward defense and border security. Six months later, Congress has not only rejected the president’s N.I.H. proposal; lawmakers from both parties have joined forces to increase spending on biomedical research — and have bragged about it."

Source: NY Times, 09/12/2017


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