
"Monsanto’s Sway Over Research Is Seen in Disclosed Emails"

"Documents released Tuesday in a lawsuit against Monsanto raised new questions about the company’s efforts to influence the news media and scientific research and revealed internal debate over the safety of its highest-profile product, the weed killer Roundup."

Source: NY Times, 08/02/2017

"The Tricked-Out Research Planes That Fly Through Wildfires"

"The only way to know exactly what’s in a wildfire’s smoke is to sample straight from the haze. So during the Rim Fire in Yosemite—which emitted so much smoke it formed its own clouds—a NASA DC-8 passenger plane and an Alpha fighter jet each crisscrossed through the plume. On both planes, scientists had created an in-flight lab to measure exactly what the fire was producing."

Source: WIRED, 07/28/2017

8 Senators Call for Probe of ‘Arbitrary’ Reassignment of Fed Scientists

"Eight U.S. senators called for an investigation today after a federal climate scientist filed a whistleblower complaint alleging that he had been arbitrarily reassigned by the Trump administration in what he believed was retaliation for speaking out publicly about the dangers climate change poses to Alaska Native communities."

Source: InsideClimate News, 07/25/2017

"Scaramucci Once Called Climate Change Denial ‘Disheartening.’"

"Before he was an adviser to then-candidate Donald Trump, Anthony Scaramucci, the president’s new White House communications director, lamented that some people did not accept the consensus among climate scientists that human activity was warming Earth."

Source: Washington Post, 07/24/2017

Methane Seeps Out as Arctic Permafrost Starts to Resemble Swiss Cheese

"Global warming may be unleashing new sources of heat-trapping methane from layers of oil and gas that have been buried deep beneath Arctic permafrost for millennia. As the Earth's frozen crust thaws, some of that gas appears to be finding new paths to the surface through permafrost that's starting to resemble Swiss cheese in some areas, scientists said."

Source: InsideClimate News, 07/20/2017


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