
August 14, 2023

DEADLINE: Poynter/Rand Workshop — Covering Climate Change Science and Policy in a Polarized World

Get expert help navigating the complex landscape of climate change science and policy in this one-day, in-person free masterclass on Aug 29, 2023, while exploring resources and tools that can deeply inform and improve your reporting. Co-sponsored by RAND and Poynter. Apply by Aug 14.


"U.S. Animal Industries Pose Disease Risks to People, Report Says"

"The United States is home to an enormous array of animal industries — including industrial agriculture, fur farming and the exotic pet trade — that pose a significant risk of creating infectious disease outbreaks in humans, according to a new report by experts at Harvard Law School and New York University."

Source: NYTimes, 07/07/2023

"Meteorologist Who Was Threatened Over Climate Coverage to Leave Job"

"The chief meteorologist of a television news station in Iowa said this week that he was leaving his job to start a career in science, citing in large part the post-traumatic stress disorder that he said he had suffered after he was threatened last year over his on-air coverage of climate change."

Source: NYTimes, 06/23/2023

Monarch Butterflies' White Spots May Help Them Fly Farther: Scientists

"Think of a monarch butterfly, and a distinctive image pops up: black-and-orange wings, with a sprinkling of white spots around the black edges. Those white spots may actually help monarchs complete their long-distance migration by altering the air flow around their wings."

Source: NPR, 06/22/2023


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