
Scientist Mann’s Defamation Case Over Online Attacks Finally Comes To Trial

"A lawsuit first instituted over 10 years ago, brought by an esteemed climate scientist over alleged defamation by a rightwing blogger and an analyst, goes to trial this week." "The case comes amid concerns that online abuse of climate scientists has increased in recent years while misinformation about the climate crisis is also on the rise."

Source: Guardian, 01/18/2024

"Earthlings Take Note: The Sun Will Be Its Most Active In Two Decades"

"Solar flares, eruptions on the sun’s surface and sunspots are expected to multiply and intensify throughout this year, as our yellow star enters its most active period in two decades. For Earthlings, that could lead to more beautiful dancing aurora far and wide, but also radio blackouts and satellite disruptions."

Source: Washington Post, 01/17/2024

"Contrary To Politicians’ Claims, Offshore Wind Farms Don’t Kill Whales"

"Scientists say there is no credible evidence linking offshore wind farms to whale deaths. But that hasn’t stopped conservative groups and ad hoc “not in my back yard”-style anti-development groups from making the connection."

Source: AP, 01/02/2024


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