
She’s Braved Rough Seas, Space Walks -- and Now Climate Change Deniers

"Kathryn Sullivan has helped U.S. Navy sailors navigate — literally — through rough seas as an oceanographer in the Navy Reserves. As a NASA astronaut, she’s walked in space, the first American woman to step outside a spacecraft, 140 miles above Earth. These challenges are a world apart from what she’s now confronting in Washington as she leads an agency of federal scientists in the crosshairs of a powerful member of Congress."

Source: Wash Post, 12/15/2015

US Lawmakers Press Oil Companies on What They Knew About Climate Change

"A contingent of powerful U.S. representatives are pressing the chief executives of six of the country's largest fossil fuel companies, including ExxonMobil, Chevron and Shell, to answer questions about when the companies first understood that burning fossil fuels drives climate change and whether they became active partners in an effort to downplay the harm that could result."

Source: InsideClimate News, 12/10/2015

Is This Congressman's 'Oversight' An Effort To Hobble Climate Science?

"About 600 scientists and engineers, including former employees of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), have signed on to letters urging the head of that agency, Kathryn Sullivan, to push back against political interference in science."

Source: NPR, 12/07/2015

USDA Muzzles Scientist Who Probes Neonic Pesticide, RNA Interference

"Until fairly recently, Jonathan Lundgren enjoyed a stellar career as a government scientist. An entomologist who studies how agrichemicals affect the  ecology of farm fields, he has published nearly 100 articles in peer-reviewed journals ....  But recently, things have changed. His work has 'triggered an official campaign of harassment, hindrance, and retaliation' from his superiors, Lundgren alleged in an official complaint filed with USDA scientific integrity authorities last year."

Source: Mother Jones, 12/04/2015

"Columbia Disputes Exxon Mobil on Climate Risk Articles"

"The dean of Columbia’s Graduate School of Journalism published a letter on Tuesday strongly disputing accusations by Exxon Mobil that journalists from the school had produced inaccurate and misleading articles about the company’s knowledge of the risks of climate change."

Source: NY Times, 12/02/2015


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