
November 1, 2015

DEADLINE: Fellowship for Columbia University's MPA in Environmental Science and Policy

The Master of Public Administration in Environmental Science and Policy at Columbia University in New York City offers the Dean’s Environmental Science and Policy Fellowship, a full tuition grant worth approximately $72,000. Apply to the program by Jan. 15, 2016, to be eligible for the Fellowship. Early decision deadline is Nov. 1, 2015.

Topics on the Beat: 

"Attorney Hounding Climate Scientists Covertly Funded By Coal Industry"

"Christopher Horner, an attorney who claims that the earth is cooling, is known within the scientific community for hounding climate change researchers with relentless investigations and public ridicule, often deriding scientists as 'communists' and frauds. ... New court documents reveal one source of Horner’s funding: big coal."

Source: The Intercept, 08/26/2015

Trump Says Keystone XL Pipeline Would Have ‘No Impact’ On Environment

"No leaks, no spills, no impact on climate change. The Keystone XL pipeline would have 'no impact' on the environment if it were approved and built, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Tuesday. For that reason, the billionaire said he would approve the controversial project 'immediately' if elected president."

Source: Climate Progress, 08/25/2015


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