
Worldview Data Expands Environment Reporter’s Strike Zone

A sweeping array of satellites observes our planet and sends vast amounts of data back — data that the powerful NASA Worldview website can translate into graphic form to help journalists tell some of the environment beat’s most central stories. The latest Reporter’s Toolbox explores the strengths and weaknesses of Worldview in covering everything from wildfires and floods to climate.

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September 18, 2024

SEJ Webinar: Mining Rebuild by Design's Atlas of Accountability for Local Climate Disaster Stories

Join SEJ for a webinar on Rebuild by Design's Atlas of Accountability, an interactive mapping tool designed to empower journalists and others to understand localized climate-fueled exposure to extreme weather disasters. Featuring AP’s Seth Borenstein and MK Wildeman and Rebuild by Design's Amy Chester and Johanna Lawton. 1:00 p.m. ET / 10:00 a.m. PT.


Colleges With Fossil Fuel Funding Can Become 'Vehicle Of Climate Obstruction'

"For decades, oil and gas companies have donated tens to hundreds of millions of dollars to colleges and universities, sat on governing boards, sponsored scholarships and built pro-fossil fuel programming and curriculum — resulting in real or apparent conflicts of interest for universities and their researchers."

Source: Floodlight, 09/06/2024

"Electric Big Rigs Are Poised to Revolutionize the Trucking Industry"

"The charging yard for electric trucks at the Port of Long Beach is bright and sunny and full of semitrailer tractors—the truncated front ends of big rigs without their big-box loads. It’s also quiet. Elsewhere at the port, wherever there are trucks, there’s the near-deafening rumble of diesel engines. But the trucks here aren’t combusting; they’re filling up with electrons to power their next trip to Southern California’s Inland Empire, the constellation of cities to the east with one of the heaviest concentrations of warehouses in the world."

Source: Sierra, 09/04/2024
September 17, 2024

DEADLINE: NASW's SciWri24 Community Support Grants for Indigenous Journalists

The National Association of Science Writers is offering two travel grants of up to $3,000 to Indigenous journalists with an interest in writing about science, medicine or the environment to attend this year's ScienceWriters annual meeting in Raleigh, N.C., Nov. 8-11. Apply by Sep 17.



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