
January 31, 2024

DEADLINE: The Victor K. McElheny Award

This award, sponsored by the Knight Science Journalism program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, honors local and regional reporting on science, public health, technology or the environment. Winner receives $10,000 and a ceremony hosted by KSJ. No entry fee. Deadline: Jan 31, 2024.


Incoming House Democrat Committee Chairs Promise News

​What will a divided Congress mean for environment and energy issues? This week’s TipSheet explores the question by looking at the Democrats who will now lead key House committees once the new Congress is seated next year. Take a lightning tour of a half-dozen top panels, their anticipated leadership and the issues they tackle, including drinking water safety, environmental justice and climate change, infrastructure, science policy, natural resources and more.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"How to Turbocharge Flu Protection (Llamas Required)"

"A giant antibody created in the laboratory shielded mice against dozens of flu strains, offering new hope against a winter misery."

"The oncoming flu season has claimed its first lives, among them a child in Florida who had not gotten a flu shot.

This year’s vaccine significantly reduces the odds of getting sick — and you should get one now if you haven’t already — but it’s far from perfect.

Source: NY Times, 11/02/2018

Will Hackers Crash U.S. Energy, Environment Infrastructure?

The vulnerability of critical U.S. infrastructure to cyberattacks has been a growing worry for years, as electric utilities, drinking water systems, chemical plants, nuclear plants, pipelines and more are the target of a burgeoning cadre of hackers. But for environmental and other journalists focused on the story, another problem has emerged: The secrecy that has long been part of the U.S. cybersecurity policy. In this comprehensive Backgrounder, SEJournal takes a look at the risk, the response and the resources to let reporters go deep on cyber warfare as an energy and environment story.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Multimedia Storytelling Intensive

Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism in New York presents this intensive program, January 7-11, 2019. Learn the basics of visual storytelling concepts through video production and post-production with Adobe Premiere, with instruction by Duy Linh Tu, Digital Media Director & Associate Professor of Professional Practice. Register by Dec 1 for earlybird rate.

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