
Scientists Urge Fixes To World’s Ailing Climate Monitoring Network

"In a paper released Thursday, 26 scientists, including four laboratory directors at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, unveiled a blueprint for the [climate] observing network of the future. It calls for a coordinated and expanded observing network that is focused on answering key scientific questions that respond to the needs of society and that leverages emerging technology."

Source: Washington Post, 11/10/2017

Monsanto Attacks Scientists Who Found Problems With Weedkiller Dicamba

"In a normal year, Kevin Bradley, a professor of weed science at the University of Missouri, would have spent his summer testing new ways to control a troublesome little plant called water hemp. This has not been a normal year."

Source: NPR, 10/27/2017

As Power Goes Out, Time To Design a More Resilient Grid?

Hurricane Irma left millions of Floridians in the dark, while Maria stripped Puerto Ricans of power, potentially for months. Can the electric grid be made less vulnerable? Our Backgrounder has a dozen-plus angles to jump-start your power reporting, from stronger poles to microgrids. Plus, hurricane coverage resources.

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Message To Auto Industry: 10 Top Companies Commit to Electric Vehicles

"A group of large corporations, including utilities and an international delivery company, launched a global campaign today to accelerate the shift to electric vehicles and away from gas- and diesel-powered transportation—which generates almost a quarter of energy-related greenhouse gas emissions worldwide and has been the fastest growing emissions source."

Source: InsideClimate News, 09/20/2017


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