
National Bridge Inventory Rife with Environmental, Safety Stories

The National Bridge Inventory is a data tool that environmental and energy reporters can use to make their beat relevant to a wider audience. Compiled by the Federal Highway Administration, it can provide leads on stories like the use of federal highway funds, poor bridge maintenance, and even the pollution of water bodies with lead paint.

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Ashtracker Database Helps Journos Dig Up Stories on Coal Ash Problems

Local reporters can find information about coal-ash situations in their own areas using a newly improved database compiled by the Environmental Integrity Project which goes well beyond anything previously available because it includes large amounts of painstaking research by EIP. The site is important for its focus on contamination of groundwater that people may drink by the toxic heavy metals in coal combustion wastes.

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May 9, 2024

DEADLINE: Online News Association's Online Journalism Awards

This annual awards competition honors excellence in digital journalism around the world. 23 categories include six awards with cash prizes: science reporting, community-centered journalism, general excellence, public service, investigative data journalism and climate change reporting. Enter by May 9, 2024.

Topics on the Beat: 
June 11, 2014

The Issues Surrounding Mandatory GMO Labeling: What You Need To Know

The Council for Agricultural Science and Technology has developed a free webinar, 2-3pm, to discuss GMOs and labelling, featuring two of the authors of a controversial new paper who will explain the science, law, and economic facts behind this critical issue. An open Q&A will follow. Pre-registration required.


Toolbox: A Swiss Army Knife for Environmental Data Journalists

The U.S. EPA has put online a "Data Finder" tool that simplifies finding and accessing data that may help you report your particular story. Find datasets by searching in many dimensions: media (air, water), health risks, pollutants, and others. It has an easy browse feature, and links to even more datasets than does EPA's mainstream Envirofacts portal.

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