
April 1, 2020 to April 2, 2020

20th International Wildlife Law Conference

IWLC-20, at Stetson University College of Law in Gulfport, Florida, will explore topics such as invasive species; legal and ethical issues related to trophy hunting; conservation of marine biodiversity; and impacts of climate change on wildlife treaties.


FWS Seeks Comments on ANWR Polar Bear Study; Critics See Drilling Push

"A decision by the Department of the Interior to open up comments on a scientific study looking at how polar bears are impacted by oil and gas activity is raising questions from observers who say the department may be looking to undermine any opposition to drilling in protected Alaskan wilderness."

Source: The Hill, 02/19/2020

"Bald Eagles Across The United States Are Dying From Lead Poisoning"

"Bald eagles across the United States are dying from lead bullets -- but it's not because they're being shot. The Cape Fear Raptor Center, North Carolina's largest eagle rehab facility, has treated seven eagles in the past month for lead poisoning, executive director Dr. Joni Shimp told CNN."

Source: CNN, 02/18/2020

"Wildlife: Interior Disbands Trophy Hunting Panel"

"A controversial Interior Department pro-hunting panel has ended with a whimper instead of a bang. In a remarkably anti-climactic conclusion to a heated clash over the costs and benefits of trophy hunting, the Justice Department disclosed in a legal filing Friday that Interior had let the International Wildlife Conservation Council expire."

Source: Greenwire, 02/11/2020


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