
"UN Draft Plan Sets 2030 Target To Avert Earth's Sixth Mass Extinction"

"Almost a third of the world’s oceans and land should be protected by the end of the decade to stop and reverse biodiversity decline that risks the survival of humanity, according to a draft Paris-style UN agreement on nature."

Source: Guardian, 01/13/2020
October 14, 2024 to October 18, 2024

Wildscreen Festival

The biennial Wildscreen Festival in the UK is a celebration of wildlife filmmaking and photography. The 2024 event, October 14-18, offers both hybrid and virtual options.


“Cat Tale: The Wild, Weird Battle To Save the Florida Panther”

Sometimes in the face of bad news, it can help to laugh a little. That’s what award-winning environmental writer Craig Pittman may help readers do with his new dispatch from the Sunshine State. Our latest BookShelf reviews Pittman’s upcoming witty, truth-telling volume,“Cat Tale: The Wild, Weird Battle To Save the Florida Panther.”

SEJ Publication Types: 

"A Trump Policy ‘Clarification’ All But Ends Punishment for Bird Deaths"

"As the state of Virginia prepared for a major bridge and tunnel expansion in the tidewaters of the Chesapeake Bay last year, engineers understood that the nesting grounds of 25,000 gulls, black skimmers, royal terns and other seabirds were about to be plowed under."

Source: NY Times, 12/30/2019


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