
SEJ's 30th Anniversary Conference, Sept. 2020

#SEJ2020, our first-ever virtual conference, took place September 16, 17, 23 and 30. Registered attendees can watch recordings of #SEJ2020 in the Whova app.


“Giants of the Monsoon Forest: Living and Working With Elephants”

A new book, “Giants of the Monsoon Forest,” offers an intimate look at the lives of working elephants in conflict-ridden Myanmar, where one of the planet’s most majestic animals faces increasing pressures. BookShelf reviewer Melody Kemp, based in Laos, describes her own experience with elephants, their surprising history with man and hopeful possibilities for their future.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Supreme Court: Trump Admin Asks Justices To Keep ESA Records Secret"

"Federal officials yesterday asked the Supreme Court to keep records related to Endangered Species Act decisions under lock and key. The government said a lower court's ruling that certain draft documents should be publicly disclosed under the Freedom of Information Act could have a chilling effect on discussions around federal decisionmaking."

Source: Greenwire, 10/30/2019

"Trump's FWS Pick, Short On Wildlife Credentials, Struggles"

"The first African American nominated to serve as FWS director, [Aurelia] Skipwith enjoys the Trump administration's support while still facing resistance from some agency veterans and congressional Democrats who voice doubts about her qualifications and her frankness."

Source: Greenwire, 10/21/2019


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