
"Coming Soon to a Food Label Near You: ‘Bee-Friendly’ Certifications"

"A growing number of farms are seeking out pollinator-friendly certifications, but the two programs offering certification—run by the Xerces Society and Pollinator Partnership—are taking very different approaches."

Source: Civil Eats, 10/25/2022

"After 60 Years, ‘Silent Spring’ Is Still Changing the World"

"A scientist, farmer, journalist, biologist, and community organizer reflect on the power and ongoing impact of Rachel Carson’s groundbreaking book, and the work that remains to be done."

Source: Civil Eats, 10/21/2022

‘Badasses Of The Mountains’: Goats Clash With Sheep As Key Glaciers Melt

"In one corner, there is the agile climber with steak knife-like horns. In the other is America’s largest wild sheep. They are locked in significantly one-sided combat in the mountains of the US west, scientists have found, in a battle over resources uncovered by the region’s vanishing glaciers."

Source: Guardian, 10/18/2022

Environmental Reporting Through an Indigenous Perspective

Indigenous communities that have tried to live in balance with nature have seen their practices largely ignored. But now many have turned to them for guidance. As part of a special initiative from the Society of Environmental Journalists on covering climate solutions, we offer a tipsheet from journalist Brian Bull on reporting on how Indigenous people use nature-based environmental solutions. Also, check out additional resources and watch video from an earlier webinar.

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Lead Ammo and Tackle, Decades Later, Still Fought Over by Big Guns

Lead kills. With hunting and fishing seasons underway, lead ammo and tackle put a known neurotoxin into the ecosystem. And that renews a long-standing controversy, with a tug of war over rules limiting lead at the local and federal levels. The latest TipSheet examines why it matters to vulnerable species, like the bald eagle, as well as to humans. Plus, local story ideas and resources.

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